Exhibitors 2018

Result for TAG "Home Automation"

M.A.R.I.O. Team. ( Michela Andreotti, Alessia Di Domenico, Andrea Ripiccini, Irene Marucci, Oriana Iannotti.) Scuola: Liceo Scientifico Sandro Pertini Ladispoli. Classe 5B
MARIO is a robot that assists the elderly or anyone with light cognitive problems, interacting with them and controlling the house

Smart modular padlock that propose an extreme flexibility on applications and use cases.

Luigi Bianchi, BraINterface LAB
In this project, a video-game is controlled by brain signals, without using nerves and muscles.

HeretiX Technology
Will presents a range of products designed for lighting industry and complex architectural scenery: Wire Controllers and Wifi Floodlights

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.

FITH S.r.l.s.
The "Aviation Elevator" is the new project for assistance in railways for maintenace and repair for little planes and helicopters

Classe 3 indirizzo Automazione della scuola ITT Allievi-Sangallo di terni
The project, created as part of the " Adecco-Siemens" internship programe " Build your future " was proposed as a work commissioned by the company "S-M inox" for the automation of a wine fatcory


Roberto D'Amico
B4 is a Robot based on ROS, uses a Microsft Kinect to map the environment, interacts with external sensors.

Kinoa & Recrew Team
Do you want a drink? Just say "Hey Calinda", and ask for what you want.

Giorgia Pontetti
CHEF, an innovative, compact, sterile, fully computerized hydroponic Vertical Farm, for healthy and clean cultivations at 0Km.

The TanzoLab Project
CM3-Panel is a thin panel PC based on Raspberry Pi 3 compute module thought to be integrated on the front panel of your next project

Classe quarta Ipsia "IIS Gae Aulenti" - Biella
Our Robot ("Cartesio") is able to interact with human users vocally, recognize objects, faces, search for information on the internet to expand their knowledge, program "independently" to learn new concepts and new information.

Conrad Electronic
Practice makes the maker! Conrad Electronic presents itself at the Maker Faire Rome as a partner of all tekkies & makers. Experience exciting workshops on var …

Colegiul Tehnic Gheorghe Cartianu, students in grades 9 and 11
Through this social project, within the national program "Educlick 1/2017: We Reuse IT Equipment for Education and Solidarity!" we have obtained 15 computers that are used by students from the technical profile, electronics and automation.

Loredana Di Lucchio, Sabrina Lucibello, Lorenzo Imbesi, Andrea Vitaletti
Design to Make is an interactive area focused on the creation of new materials, and urban usability IoT design services.

Digi-Key Electronics
Digi-Key is an American Company , privately owned with 3500 employees around the world and a total turnover of 2.3B$ per year. From a single point of shipmen …

Arpaia Pasquale, Francesco Bonavolontà, Francesco Serino, Ferdinando Chianese, Luca Porzio, Rosario Schiano Lo Moriello, Edoardo Campoluongo, Annalisa Liccardo
AIRPOD, Unina Corse, AR

Gruppo 7 ITS Meccatronico Vicenza
The project is an Automated Guided Vehicle, designed for the gardening. It's a lawnmower while it can snowplow the garden.

Gianluca Ciuffreda
Electronic boards to be assembled, equipped with schematics, components and instructions so that users can have fun while learning electronics.

ControlloCasa srl
"HELFY" (HELp For You) is the bracelet that sends requests for help for the elderly in difficulty at home. Equipped with a big button, once pressed sends help requests through WiFi to relatives, both in form of email and phone calls. Relatives, once alerted, can watch what is happening through the associated video surveillance system.

Michele Turco founder & Lab Manager of Kromlabòro FabLab
Our glasses made with hemp bioplastics, in a Steampunk optics allow us to think about what would have been the past if the use of bioplastics had been established before! The glasses are made of 95% biodegradable materials, with plywood parts.

Giovanni Saggio, Mariachiara Ricci, Vito Errico, Antonio Pallotti, Franco Giannini, Carla Cenci, Mauro D'Ambrosi, Marco D'Ambrosi, Donato D'Ambrosi, Sveva Viesti, Alessandro Pauciulo
A Smart Glove for Remotely Controlling an Anthropomorphic Hand

Lorenzo Panisi, Silvia Giovanella, Claudio Ferrari
Hyperion, a new way to live the energy of the sun.

Cool Projects Srl, Idea75 Srl
Control solutions based on IoT and AI technology for climate control and energy optimization of buildings.

Loic De Buck
Automation controllers that bridge the worlds of makers and real industry.

Stefano Panzieri, Chiara Foglietta, Cosimo Palazzo, Dario Masucci, Riccardo Colelli
Multi-sensor platform based on microcontroller and interfaced with fog-computing KosmoServer gateway, directly connected to a MongoDB cloud.

Rubino Guido, Rubino Luigi
An isolated CAN_BUS shield up to 1000V designed in Italy by the RubinoLab team for industry 4.0 internet of things

Studenti Gian Lorenzo Villa e Lorenzo Romagnoli della classe 5C (coordinati dai Prof. Roberta D'Agostino e Daniele Impellizzeri) - Istituto Tecnico Agrario “Giuseppe Garibaldi” Roma
βίος is a home vertical hydroponic growing system for a healthier and environmentally sustainable diet exploiting food waste compost as fertilizer.

Francesco Tucci
You can nanage your own home remotely without depending by Cloud services and without giving them data. We can do it (easily)

Pietro Moscetta
Lampadine Led a colori programmabili da ambiente Arduino con tecnologia radio e WiFi.

Ovidiu Sandru
It makes watching movies on the ceiling totally possible, in under 1 minute.

Andrea Cincotti, Marco Cincotti
Right key at the right time to the right person

IIS G.Marconi Civitavecchia, M4M Domotics
Our school is creating a place where to think about our future: come and see our Marconi 4 MakerFaire Domotics projects!

Domenico e Marco Formenton
minimum is a complete, economical, easy to use and easy to install home automation system.

Corrado, Monica e Leonardo Sperduti Rampini
MIOBIO, apartment greenhouse, domestic appliance for organic indoor gardening

Carmelo Fallauto, Simone Corbellini
miuPanel allows also those without specific IT skills to autonomously carry out remote control of their projects.

II° Anno ITS Meccatronico Veneto, sede di Treviso. Gruppo Mojito Machine.
Mojito Machine is the perfect machine for your parties, it is very handy and has small dimensions.

Alessandro Morello, Armando Altieri, Roberto Seghini, Mariarosaria Emanuele - the IoT team @ TecnoStudio Ars Innova
NBE_SmartPlug: a smart power limiter, your lights will never go out again

II° anno ITS Meccatronico Veneto sede di Treviso. Gruppo Ombre-ON.
The project represent an automatic umbrella, which opens itself from the inside to the outside (takes inspiration from blossom) and closes itself independently.


Guido Ottaviani
7 "ultra-thin capacitive touch panel for use in Home & Building Automation based on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 industrial module.

Giacomo Guaresi & Leonardo Santambrogio
Device that stores, generates and manages more than 200 passwords in an extremely easy and secure way.

Giuseppe Torino
Pocket weather station. A dedicated app on the smartphone connects the station via bluetooth and displays current data about temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure of the surrounding environment.

Powahome is the smart home system that allows you to retrofit your existing house wiring whithout adding any control unit.

Federica Pascucci and CPS Alumni
Exploiting physical layer to protect cyber-physical devices

Oracle Innovation Lab - Italia
Proxima Smart City: model of a scaled down automated city implementing, via IoT and Cloud Computing, several useful functions such as Smart Building, Smart Parking, Smart Trash, Smart Lighting and Smart Safety.

Digitaleria: Tommaso Spagnoli Lino Di Crescenzo
Our idea is to create a vertical, monitored and controlled farm, to be placed inside the houses to get fresh vegetables.

Team Sapienza SDME
Innovative full scale Solar house prototype competing in Solar Decathon Middle East 2018: green, smart and completely solar powered.

Mauro De Sanctis, Simone Di Domenico, Ernestina Cianca, Tommaso Rossi, Alberto Caponi
We augment wireless communication networks with RF sensing capabilities to recognize actions of people from the analysis of RF signals.

Guido Ottaviani
Complete, electrical cabinet compatible, Home & Building Automation system, with an industrial Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 core
Data updated on 2024-04-09 - 4.17.20 pm